I was on an overnight oats kick for years! A few minutes of prep in the evening and you wake to a healthy breakfast ready to go! Then, I started making baked oatmeal...and I haven't looked back. I can't even remember the last time I made overnight oats!
According to a poll in 2019, the most popular breakfast food was...eggs. This was followed by coffee, cereal, breakfast sandwiches, and bacon. Guess what?!? Bacon and eggs were also some of the most popular breakfast items in the 1950s. Some things never change! I was expecting oatmeal to top the list as well, but it did not even receive an honorable mention.
The 2019 survey also found that 13% of Americans skip breakfast and the majority only eats breakfast about 3 times per week. I've never understood this. Aren't they hungry?!? I hear from my stomach if I don't eat within an hour of waking.
The best practice is to begin the day with a balance of carbs, protein, and fat. Toast or a small bowl of oatmeal with eggs and bacon actually makes for a balanced breakfast! If you're going to enjoy overnight or baked oatmeal, either serve with a protein or add some protein powder to the oatmeal. This balance helps to control your blood sugar and will allow you to feel full for longer. Carbs alone may seem satiating; however, your blood sugar will quickly rise and crash- leaving you feeling hungry an hour later. So, keep enjoying your oatmeal, but make sure to add some protein to the mix!
These baked oatmeal muffins also make a great snack!
Coconut flakes alone are pretty t-rific! I have heard some people have issues with the texture, but toasting the flakes gives them a nutty, golden flavor and crunch that is unbeatable! The best methods involve the oven or a skillet on the stove.
Elevate your morning oatmeal with these toasted coconut baked oatmeal muffins! Perfect for on-the-go, whole grain goodness!
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